If you need help in selling your Renoir, we offer Advice, Assistance and full Brokerage services.
If you prefer that we handle the entire sale for you, from finding a buyer, to negotiating the terms and conditions, to preparing all the paperwork, we offer to take care of everything.
Send us a set of photos, the dimensions and tell us where the painting can be examined.
We will contact you back promptly to set your sale in motion.
Examination - We examine artworks at your residence, your office, your bank, your attorney’s office, your art storage facility or at your hotel if you are traveling. At any art gallery or auctioneer. At any Government Agency office, at any Customs Port of Entry, at any Law Enforcement office or warehouse. In any place of worship or religious congregation building. In the premises of any organization, association, or club. At any library, college, or museum. At any conservator studio or laboratory. For insurance and liability reasons, we don’t receive or examine artworks at our locations.